Who am I
I am Rani Zuijdervliet, a no-nonsense psychologist and experienced practitioner in the field of vitality and performance. As a person and as a professional.
During my (working) life, I have always been looking for the balance and the best version of myself, looking for the balance between my talents and pitfalls, professional life and personal life, ratio and emotion, work and recreation, development and acceptance and my interest and that of my surroundings.
I strive to have the feeling that you are exactly where you need to be and do exactly what you need to do. I have been close (in my element as coach and trainer and now as entrepreneur). Other times I was further away (searching in my first job and during my burn-out at 27).
Now, almost 20 years later as coach and trainer in the field of vitality and performance, I feel like I'm closer to being the best version of myself. I'm doing what I do best and what makes me happy.
That is exactly what I strive for, for the people I work with. I want to help build a solid foundation for the feeling of long-term inspiration, effortlessness, flow. I call that 'being the best version of you': becoming who you are.
Development and growth are often associated with 'becoming a different person' and 'unlearning habits and learning better ones'. Have I become a different person? I sure hope not.
To me, 'being the best version of you' (thereby also meaning development and growth) means being more of who you are. By accepting who you are, using your talents, switching between exertion and recreation, dealing with your pitfalls easier, taking charge and daring to make conscious choices, adjusting and celebrating your successes.
You are at best, if you are the best version of you. The path? Insight and outlook. I can definitely be of assistance to you in finding that path.
Where do I stand for?
Result oriented
There are hundreds of ways to start a coaching-trajectory. To me there is just one way to start: with the end-goal in mind. And that end-goal is what we focus on the entire time. That does not mean, that you need to get there in just one big leap. Many tiny steps bring you towards where you want to be as well. And often they motivate you more than one big leap. Taking charge of your own development as coached/participant makes sense to me. To use the first adjacent possibility together, leads to confidence and sustainable results. I love that!
Honestly analytical
I like digging just beneath the surface. What is really going on here? And where does it come from? How does this translate in real life; personally, and professionally? To continue very practically and work at it. I dare to say; my sharp analyses almost always lead straight to the core. Sometimes this can be a little confronting, but it mostly helps you towards your own end-goal.
Learning and developing: it often sounds so serious. Of course, you want to achieve serious results. But I believe learning is a lot easier if it gets to be fun. We don't avoid serious business, but there's also room for laughter. Please, laugh! A little self-mockery at times can even be helpful. Learning new things and seeing yourself grow is an amazing experience, so don't forget to enjoy the journey. I do too.
When working with me, you'll find little to no surprises. Well, maybe in the beginning when you are getting acquainted with my bluntness. I call a spade a spade. I like a practical approach, like to say things just the way I see them and I don't mind getting my hands dirty. What you see is what you get. Clear as day. And – very important – I believe in your self-resolving power; I don't need to tell you the answers. You can find those yourself – maybe with a little of my help.
I love real people. And real connections. I'm a sincere person and I´m curious to find out more about the people I work with. I look at what is necessary now and what helps you the most on your path to your goals. No standard approach, but tailored especially to your wants and needs. And if something extra is necessary, I gladly go the extra mile.
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